Super SailorMoon
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon

Worn at: Ohayocon 2008, Shinbokucon 2008, Katsucon 2010
Inspiration: Sailormoon is my favorite anime of all time, yet I have trouble finding characters I want to cosplay. Mostly because everything from this anime is so overdone. So why, may you ask, did I cosplay the main character? Well, it's a long story, but in the end I found there was a lack of 100% accurate Super Sailormoons out there, so I wanted to try to do my favorite sailor fuku justice ^_^
Design: I tried to stay as accurate as possible, but a few unique things I did was use PVC for the shoulder wings, and kept the lockets to a simple design (I later remade the lockets and used the SuperS design, so there's photos of both S and SuperS versions).
The other thing is the eternal debate with any SailorMoon costume: blonde or yellow hair? I like both on cosplayers, but my whole purpose of making the costume was to be accurate to the anime, and no matter how you look at it, Usagi has yellow hair in the anime.
Construction: First of all I hate super shiny satin Sailor fukus. I know everyone likes satin but there's nothing in all of Sailormoon history that says they're made of anything shiny. Even in SeraMyu--the shiny of the shiny--the actual collars and skirts are matte material. Pretty Guardian stayed away from it too. So I used cotton. Actually it's a mix of materials, mostly because I couldn't ever find what I was looking for at the time, so I used whatever appropriate material I could find in the right color.
The wig was a project within itself. After countless hours studying tutorials (THANK YOU charmedseed & Katie Bair!!!), I pain-stakingly assembled a SailorMoon wig I'm proud of. It was actually much easier than I thought it was going to be!
Inspiration: Sailormoon is my favorite anime of all time, yet I have trouble finding characters I want to cosplay. Mostly because everything from this anime is so overdone. So why, may you ask, did I cosplay the main character? Well, it's a long story, but in the end I found there was a lack of 100% accurate Super Sailormoons out there, so I wanted to try to do my favorite sailor fuku justice ^_^
Design: I tried to stay as accurate as possible, but a few unique things I did was use PVC for the shoulder wings, and kept the lockets to a simple design (I later remade the lockets and used the SuperS design, so there's photos of both S and SuperS versions).
The other thing is the eternal debate with any SailorMoon costume: blonde or yellow hair? I like both on cosplayers, but my whole purpose of making the costume was to be accurate to the anime, and no matter how you look at it, Usagi has yellow hair in the anime.
Construction: First of all I hate super shiny satin Sailor fukus. I know everyone likes satin but there's nothing in all of Sailormoon history that says they're made of anything shiny. Even in SeraMyu--the shiny of the shiny--the actual collars and skirts are matte material. Pretty Guardian stayed away from it too. So I used cotton. Actually it's a mix of materials, mostly because I couldn't ever find what I was looking for at the time, so I used whatever appropriate material I could find in the right color.
The wig was a project within itself. After countless hours studying tutorials (THANK YOU charmedseed & Katie Bair!!!), I pain-stakingly assembled a SailorMoon wig I'm proud of. It was actually much easier than I thought it was going to be!