About Aurora

- favorite anime: Bishoujo Senshi SailorMoon, Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Monsters, Madoka Magica
- favorite games: Kingdom Hearts, Guild Wars 2, Super Mario RPG
Nowadays I don't dedicate as much time to my cosplay hobby as I use to, but when I do, I obsess over the finest detail. I really have to constantly remind myself that 99.99% of people won't notice whether I cut off that extra millimeter of fabric in the middle back seam that's gonna be covered with a wig anyways. Seeing a creation come together after putting so much work and love into it is an amazing feeling. And that rush of excitement when you step out of the hotel room with a brand new costume is amazing! :)
I spend most of my time on YouTube and Twitch! Check out my Sailor Moon and Guild Wars 2 videos!