Street Fighter
Worn at: Youmacon 2009, Ohayocon 2010, Katsucon 2010, Tekkoshocon 2010, Shinbokucon 2010
Inspiration: I honestly don't know what inspired me to cosplay Chun-Li. I'm not a huge Street Fighter fan, though I do enjoy watching my friends play the game. She's just such a classic video game character, and I got the urge to make her cute outfit :)
Design: While her basic 1p design is almost the same throughout the games, there are very slight differences. I kind of went for a general version of the character, not from any particular game. I included the gold trim on the hair bun covers though, as it gives them a lot more detail that looks nice. I opted to not do the dragon design on the obi, however, as I just wanted the costume finished and that would have been a lot of extra work; but there are plenty of versions where it's plain white. I made the black version because I couldn't find a hue of blue casa satin that I was happy with.
Construction: I had no idea that putting all the gold trim on the dress would be such a PAIN! Ugh it took so long... Everything else was pretty easy though. I cheated a little on the boots and just bought white knee-high Chuck Taylors since I could not find wrestling boots to save my life.
Oh, and I completely forgot to sew on the little tie thingy on her chest, and the one I bought completely disappeared, so boo.
Inspiration: I honestly don't know what inspired me to cosplay Chun-Li. I'm not a huge Street Fighter fan, though I do enjoy watching my friends play the game. She's just such a classic video game character, and I got the urge to make her cute outfit :)
Design: While her basic 1p design is almost the same throughout the games, there are very slight differences. I kind of went for a general version of the character, not from any particular game. I included the gold trim on the hair bun covers though, as it gives them a lot more detail that looks nice. I opted to not do the dragon design on the obi, however, as I just wanted the costume finished and that would have been a lot of extra work; but there are plenty of versions where it's plain white. I made the black version because I couldn't find a hue of blue casa satin that I was happy with.
Construction: I had no idea that putting all the gold trim on the dress would be such a PAIN! Ugh it took so long... Everything else was pretty easy though. I cheated a little on the boots and just bought white knee-high Chuck Taylors since I could not find wrestling boots to save my life.
Oh, and I completely forgot to sew on the little tie thingy on her chest, and the one I bought completely disappeared, so boo.
Photography by DeathCom Multimedia